Learn what Alan Lomax's Choreometrics project was about and discover what dance film clips are archived at the Library of Congress.

Learn what our team is doing to re-image and re-imagine Choreometrics and what we are discovering in the Library of Congress archives.

Learn how we plan to build on the Choreometrics model and further develop the information through digitization and other interdisciplinary initiatives.

Choreometrics in the Future

How can we envision a future for the potential digitization of the film elements collected by the Lomax team?

Eatonville, FL (LOC)Eatonville, Florida. (LOC)

Potential technologies for implementation

Applications of movement analysis

  • Re-analysis and adding layers of micro- and macro-(contextual) analysis.
  • Tagging and meta-tagging the digitized clips for searchability and legibility.
  • Comparing older and more recent versions of the dances using analysis of patterns and specific components of body use, modes of relationship among dancers, expressive qualities, and use of space.
  • Once the above has been completed:
    • Cultural patterns can yield intelligence for conflict resolution and peace building.
    • Brain-machine interface technology can include culturally expressive movement via motion capture and neurologically-driven prostheses.
    • Culture members can trace lineage and identity through identified patterns.
    • Culture members can re-member the dances, with embodiment, not merely written description.

Potential short-term & long-term outcomes

  • Digitization: preserving cultural heritage.
  • Accessibility: distributing knowledge.
  • Searchability: tagging and meta-tagging, enabling comparative analysis.
  • Crowdsourcing: scholarship from partner universities including ethnographers, dance ethnographers, movement analysts, dance and performance studies scholars, people from the dance tradition’s community.
  • Repatriation: democratizing the material, enabling the return of footage to originators.
  • Software development: including motion capture of performances and potential for EEG (see electroencephalography above).
  • Adoption: discovering which orphan film elements can be declared for fair use after attempting to find their authors.
  • Education: imagining what students could learn about human history through this digitized collection could potentially change the rhythm of the earth today.

Lomax CentennialAnna Lomax Wood with her father Alan Lomax. (LOC)

Alan Lomax Centennial

Alan Lomax would be 100 years old next year. How should we celebrate his legacy?

The digitization of the Choreometrics collection would be a gift not only to project’s legacy, but also a gift to everyone who would be enabled to access the thousands of cultural dance clips.